Oxytocin – Part 2

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The Action of Oxytocin

Scientific study that has been conducted on animal test subjects has been able to link Oxytocin to other various complex bodily functions that are not necessarily linked to various emotional or arousal responses.

For example, studies have determined that the peptide has been linked to the letdown reflex in lactating female animal test subjects.  In essence, the letdown reflex serves to regulate the presence of milk within animals that are breastfeeding.  This action is stimulated by the suckling process, wherein the information that surrounds the process is relayed to the spinal nerves of the hypothalamus, which in turn trigger the peptide to fire action potentials in intermittent bursts for purposes of regulation.  Other studies have linked the peptide to uterine contraction, a critical function that allows cervical dilation before birth to occur.  It has been further determined that the peptide’s presence induces contractions within the second and third stages of labor, and has also been shown to aid the uterus in clotting the placental attachment point postpartum.

Some studies have theorized that the presence of Oxytocin is thought to have the capacity to modulate inflammation, which is the complex biological response of vascular tissues in reaction to harmful stimuli like irritants, pathogens, or damaged cells.  These studies have indicated that the presence of the peptide can work to decrease specific cytokines.  This has led to the notion that the presence of the peptide could conceivably be connected to the acceleration of wound healing.

Theorized Benefits of Oxytocin

Scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has been able to derive a host of potential benefits that can be linked to the presence of Oxytocin.

One of the primary benefits that have been hypothetically linked to the peptide revolves around the process of labor induction.  Because the presence of Oxytocin has been shown to play a vital role in various physiological responses pertaining to the birthing process in animal test subjects, it is though t that it can be utilized to ease various aspects of birthing malfunction, up to and including the suppression of premature labor.

Another one of the theories that have been linked to the peptide is that it could conceivably regulate certain socially-induced behavioral actions, such as trust, generosity, fear, and anxiety.  The theory here is that because the peptide acts as a neuromodulator, its presence can allow for an increased control over transmissions that have been thought to invoke various behavioral responses.

Some scientific study that has been built around animal test subjects involves the theoretical linking of Oxytocin to the treatment of autism.  This theory is linked to the notion that the peptide’s presence could regulate behavior and the expressions of this behavior.  It is thought that Oxytocin could significantly improve upon aspects of various social maladies that are traditionally associated with the autism spectrum, such as the ability to read social cues correctly and memory retention in aspects specifically pertaining to social information.

Potential Side Effects of Oxytocin

While scientific study that has been built on animal test subjects has been able to derive a host of theoretical benefits associated with Oxytocin, there have been several potential negative side effects that have been associated with the peptide.

Some of the short-term side effects that have been associated with the peptide may include an increase in heart-rate, a decrease in blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, premature ventricular contraction, impaired uterine blood flow, nausea, and vomiting.  Some of the side effects that have been linked to the peptide through the course of long-term exposure include titanic uterine contractions, uterine rupture, postpartum hemorrhage, and water intoxication in female animal test subjects.

However, it has been determined through scientific study based on animal test subjects that oxytocin’s side effects are relatively uncommon in their nature.  Furthermore, these studies have indicated that the peptide is generally considered safe to use on animal test subjects if it is not administered over a period of 24 hours or longer.

Strictly for Controlled Environments

It should be noted that any findings or observations that relate to Oxytocin and its overall functionality should exclusively be done within a strictly controlled environment, such as a medical research facility or a laboratory.  The reason for this is due to the fact that the peptide and the study its operational is currently just fit for scientific study on animal test subjects.  As such, it should be noted that research that has been derived regarding Oxytocin is due to scientific tests conducted in a controlled environment only.

Click here to read Oxytocin – Part 1