Phospho DSIP – Part 2

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Phospho DSIP and Depression

It has also been theorized via scientific study based on animal test subjects that Phospho DSIP could play a vital role in stemming the tide of various behaviors associated with depression.  Specifically, studies that have been built around this particular metric has honed in on the peptide’s hypothetical ties to major depressive disorder.  Also known as clinical depression or major depression, this condition is a mental disorder that is marked by a persistent and pervasive low mood accompanied by low self-esteem and a loss of interest or pleasure normally derived from enjoyable activities.  The reason for this particular theory stems from several studies that determined the levels of the peptide in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid are wildly different from the norm in cases where the condition is theorized to be present.

Phospho DSIP and Epliepsy

Some scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has been theoretically able to link the presence of Phospho DSIP to the condition of epilepsy; a group of long-term neurological disorders that is characterized by episodes of epileptic seizures.  The hypothesis is derived from a scientific study that was conducted on lab rats that were injected with metaphit, a research chemical that can induce seizures in laboratory rodents.  The results of the studies indicated that the presence of the peptide acted as an anticonvulsant with the affected rats, as it decreased the incidences and the duration of epileptic fits by a significant amount.  The results of this particular test led to the notion that the presence of the peptide could act as a potential treatment for epilepsy.

Phospho DSIP and Sleep

There have also been some scientific studies that have been based on animal test subjects that suggest the peptide has been shown to help aid in the treatment of a host of sleep-related ailments.  The chief sleep disorder that the research has focused on in relation to the peptide is narcolepsy; a neurological disorder that inhibits the brain’s ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles on a normal basis.  These particular studies have indicated that the presence of the peptide has allowed the brain to regulate disturbed sleeping patterns on a significantly more efficient basis.

Other Forms of Phospho DSIP-Based Study

There have been several other theoretical benefits that scientific study based on animal test subjects has been able to link to the presence of Phospho DSIP.  Some of these theoretical benefits are based on various reactions that an animal test subject’s body may have toward outside stimuli.

For example, some studies have been created in order to determine whether or not the peptide can conceivably be used as an anesthetic.   One of the reasons behind this particular theory comes from the determination that the peptide has possible effects on sleep.  Another one of the reasons is that the peptide is considered to have antinnociceptive properties, meaning that it can prevent the encoding and processing of harmful stimuli in the nervous system from occurring.  This analgesic effect has led to the notion that the peptide could possibly aid in the creation of a more effective anesthesia.

It has also been theorized that Phospho DSIP can potentially aid in the treatment of opiate and alcohol dependence.  The impetus behind this theory is due to the notion that the peptide can act antagonistically on opiate receptors.  Because of this relationship, it is theorized that the peptide could block the types of addictive behaviors that tend to develop in the dependence to opiates and alcohol.

What’s more, it should be noted that there have been not significant side effects that have been associated with the presence of the peptide.

Set Aside for Scientific Research

It should be emphasized that despite the extensive amount of research and study that has been conducted in order to pinpoint the functionality and mechanics of Phospho DSIP, it is only intended for the sole use of scientific study at this time.  All of the research and findings that have been determined and discussed are completely built around the scientific study on animal test subjects.  Because of this, any findings or observations that can be tied to Phospho DSIP’s overall functionality, mechanics, or theoretical benefits should exclusively be contained to a laboratory, a medical research facility, or another strictly controlled environment in this vein.

Click here to read Phospho DSIP – Part 1

Phospho DSIP – Part 1

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Phospho DSIP is a peptide that is considered to be a neuropeptide.  What this means is, it is a peptide that is used by neurons in order to communicate with each other.  It is occasionally known by the alternative names DSIP or Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide.  It has a molecular formula of C35H49N10O18P1, and it has a molecular weight of 928.8.  When it is administered to animal test subjects for purposes of scientific study, its appearance is that of a white powder.

Phospho DSIP at a Glance

According to scientific study based on animal test subjects, Phospho DSIP is considered to be an amphiphilic peptide, meaning that it contains both hydrophilic (that is, water-loving) and lipophilic (that is, fat-loving) properties.  It has been found within the body as a free form, and it has been found in bound form in the following structures:

  • The hypothalamus – This is the segment of the brain that links the endocrine system to the nervous system through the pituitary gland.
  • The pituitary gland – This is the pea-sized gland that is located at the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain and is responsible for the regulation and control of a host of endocrine system-related functions such as growth, metabolism, temperature regulation, and more.
  • The limbic system – This represents the complex set of brain structures that collectively support a variety of emotional-based aspects, such as behavior, motivation, and long-term memory.
  • Various peripheral organs, tissues, and body fluids located throughout the body.

In addition, Phospho DSIP has been shown to co-localise with various peptide and non-peptide mediators.  The mediators themselves differ depending on where Phospho DSIP is located.

While it has been determined that Phospho DSIP can be found in several different places within an animal test subject’s body, scientific study has yet to precisely pinpoint where the peptide originates.

Functionality of Phospho DSIP

Scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that the presence of Phospho DSIP can help to boost the regulation and control of several different processes throughout the body.  Because of the abundance of locations in which Phospho DSIP resides within an animal test subject’s body, scientific study has determined that the peptide itself is rather versatile.  It has been thought to play a part in a host of different roles throughout the body.

For instance, the peptide has been determined to play a role in the process of endocrine regulation.  It has been shown to decrease basal corticotropin level and inhibit its release.  It also stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone, somatoliberin and somatorophin secretion as it inhibits somatostatin secretion.

Phospho DSIP also plays a part in various types of physiological processes.  Some of these processes include limiting stress, normalizing blood pressure and myocardial contraction, and enhancing the efficiency of oxidative phospoylation.  This latter attribute has led to the suggestion that it may possess various antioxidant effects.

Because Phospho DSIP is connected to the regulation and control of so many diverse bodily processes, scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has been able to derive a host of different theoretical benefits that have been built around the peptide’s presence.  These benefits that have been hypothesized touch upon both the mental and the physical, thus further demonstrating that the peptide does have a connection with various parts of the brain.

Phospho DSIP and Cancer

Scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that Phospho DSIP could conceivably contain certain properties that can be considered anticarcinogenic in nature.  What this means is, it has been shown to be a substance that counteracts the effects of cancer causing agents or inhibits the development of cancer.  This theory was developed in lieu of a study that was conducted on lab mice, in which a preparation of the peptide was injected subcutaneously over the mice’s lifetime.  It was shown that the presence of spontaneous tumor incidence decreased significantly.  This study in turn led to the theory that the presence of the peptide could be a key combatant in the treatment of cancer.  It has also led to the notion that it could be used as a means to prevent cancerous tumors from developing in the first place.

Phospho DSIP and Anti-Aging

Scientific study on animal test subjects has also determined that the presence of Phospho DSIP could possess geroprotective, or anti-aging, effects.  Studies have indicated that the presence of the peptide has the capacity to slow down the age-related switching-off of oestrous function in female animal test subjects, and it also was shown to decrease the frequency of various chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells, some of which may ultimately serve to shorten a lifespan.

Click here to read Phospho DSIP – Part 2


The systematic, water-soluble peptide Peg MGF – short for PEGylated Mechano Growth Factor – is a combination of Polyethylene glycol and the repair factor MGF.  It has a molecular formula of C121H200N42O39, and it carries a molecular mass of 2867.2.

The Basics of Peg MGF

Peg Mgf
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According to scientific research that has been conducted on animal test subjects, Peg MGF works with the secretion known as mechano growth factor (hence the MFG in the peptide’s name).  This secretion occurs as a means to counterbalance the effects of cellular terminal differentiation as it stimulates instances of muscular and skeletal growth and repair.  In other words, it not only plays a role in regulating muscular and skeletal tissue in animal test subjects, it also slows the last stage of cellular differentiation in which a cell is no longer functional.  The downside to mechano growth factor’s overall functionality is that exhibits a very rapid half-life lasting only a few minutes in length.

However, Peg MGF is able to extend the half-life of mechano growth factor by exhibiting a process that is known as PEGylation.  In essence, this process allows for a covalent attachment to form between the peptide and the secretion.  In turn, this attachment serves to act as a protective barrier for the mechano growth factor molecule.  This process enables the secretion to pass through the bloodstream without experiencing the level of degradation that it otherwise would.  This manner of protection – and the extending of the half-life that comes with it – thus enables a greater level of stability which also allows the secretion’s overall functionality to increase.  In this case, scientific study based on animal test subjects has determined that this elevated functionality translates into a boosted level of muscle and tissue growth and repair, which in turn leads to a more efficient means of achieving homeostasis.

Peg MGF, Muscle Growth, and Muscle Repair

Scientific study that has been built around animal test subjects has determined that Peg MGF’s functional processes has enabled it to possibly be key in elevating several rudimentary processes that are linked to muscle and tissue growth and repair.  Some of these processes include:

  • Improved regeneration of skeletal muscle – Because Peg MGF has been shown to extend the half-life of mechano growth factor by ways of initiating PEGylation, scientific study based on animal test subjects has determined that the presence of the peptide can increase the animal test subject’s ability to build and repair muscular and skeletal tissue in a significantly more efficient manner.
  • Improvement of bone density – Scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that the Peg MGF’s ability to promote skeletal tissue growth and repair ties to an ability to induce an enhanced amount of bone mineral to be produced.  Because of this, it is thought that the peptide’s presence can enable an animal test subject to experience a boost in overall bone density.  This elevated process can lead to bones that are sturdier, more durable, and less vulnerable to breaks and fractures.
  • A faster, more efficient means of injury recovery – Scientific study that has been built on animal test subjects has determined that the overall functionality of Peg MGF causes a boost in the amount of time in which the materials that are needed in order to repair muscle fiber and skeletal tissue can be expressed.  Because of this boost in functionality, it has been determined that this elevated interval can enable an animal test subject’s body to heal more efficiently.

Peg MGF’s Relationship with Ischemic Injury

Additional study that has been conducted on animal test subjects has determined that Peg MGF’s ability to enable a more stabilized method of travel throughout the bloodstream could make it a key component in aiding in the stabilization of cellular response in the event of an ischemic episode.  This is a condition that is brought on due to a restriction of blood supply to tissues, which in turn causes a shortage of the oxygen and glucose needed in order for proper cellular metabolism to occur.  Some of these ischemic episodes include stroke, angina pectoris, cardiac arrest due to a heart attack, and an insufficient level of oxygen delivered to an effected area in the wake of a traumatic injury.

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