GHRP-2, also known as GHRP or KP-102, is a secretogogue peptide whose structure is comprised of a half-dozen amino acids.  It has a molecular mass of 817.9, and its molecular formula is C45H55N9O6.

The Properties of GHRP – 2

According to scientific study on animal test subjects, GHRP – 2’s chief function is to boost the natural expressions of secretions that are responsible for growth.  This is partially due to the peptide’s ability to stimulate the pituitary gland; the pea-sized gland found at the base of the brain that is responsible for the regulation of several endocrine-related functions, including:

  • Growth
  • Pain relief
  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Temperature regulation
  • Water regulation within the body

Specifically, the peptide is able to promote an increase in the secretions from somatropic cells that primarily relate to growth.  This then allows an animal test subject to experience an increase of protein synthesis.  This increased process is further boosted by the peptide’s ability to block the production of somatostatin; a peptide that is responsible for regulating the endocrine system and affecting the neurotransmission of cell proliferation through interaction with G protein-coupled receptors.  Further studies have also shown that GHRP – 2 can promote an increase in the production of IGF – 1, also known as somatomedin C.  This protein, which is produced by the liver in animal test subjects, is an endocrine-related secretion that is instrumental in the repair and growth of muscles and tissues.  Additionally, the peptide has been to increase the levels of calcium ion influx; a process that can also stimulate the production of secretions related to growth.

GHRP – 2 and Appetite

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Scientific study has also determined that GHRP – 2’s presence can have a profound impact on an animal test subject’s appetite.

The primarily reason for this is due to GHRP – 2’s ability to stimulate the production of ghrelin.  This self-regulating 28 amino acid peptide is primarily produced by the stomach, although it can also be secreted by epsilon cells found in the pancreas.  The purpose of ghrelin is to stimulate the sensation of hunger in animal test subjects.  GHRP – 2’s inherent functionality causes an increase in the production of ghrelin; a process that causes an animal test subjects a desire to consume more food.

Additionally, GHRP – 2 has also been shown to boost the functionality of the hypothalamus; the part of the brain that serves as a link to the endocrine and nervous system.  Studies on animal test subjects show that this boost in functionality also plays a role in the increase of appetite.

This functionality works in conjunction with GHRP – 2’s ability to increase the secretions from the pituitary gland.  An increase in the sensation of hunger within animal test subjects leads to a desire to consume more food.  When this increase of food intake occurs, the peptide’s ability to increase protein synthesis allows the body to use this extra fuel as a means to compensate for this elevated function.  Ultimately, this entire process provides the animal test subject with an elevated level of homeostasis.

GHRP – 2’s Theorized Benefits and Side Effects

According to scientific study conducted on animal test subjects, it has been determined that GHRP – 2’s functionality can be tied to several theoretical benefits.  Some of these benefits include: a more efficient means of muscle mass growth; an increased ability to repair tissue; an elevated means of breaking down body fat; a lowering of cholesterol levels; an enhanced sense of anti-inflammatory action; improved bone density; and an enhanced defense of the liver.

Conversely, scientific study on animal test subjects has also linked a few negative side effects to GHRP – 2’s presence.  These negative side effects include:  An increase in water retention; an increased instance of fatigue; development of tightness and/or carpal tunnel-type symptoms; a tingling and numbness in the extremities; and a decrease in insulin sensitivity.  That being said, these scientific studies have determined that there have been fewer instances of negative side effects associated with GHRP – 2 then there have been with other peptides that have exhibited similar methods of functionality.

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Fragment 176-191

As the name may suggest, Fragment 176-191 is a peptide that is linked to the amino acids 176-191.  It can occasionally be referred to as neuron cytoplasmic protein 9.5 or gracile axonal dystrophy.  According to scientific study on animal test subjects, the peptide has been shown to stimulate the breakdown of fats and has demonstrated a capability to slow down the formation of fatty acids.

Fragment 176-191 and Fat

Scientific study on animal test subjects has shown that Fragment 171-196 operates by imitating the process in which natural growth hormone controls fat metabolism.  However, it performs this task without inadvertently promoting adverse effects on blood sugar or cellular proliferation.  This process enables the peptide to do the following:

  • Promote a more efficient process of breaking down adipose tissue, or body fat
  • Promote an elevated rate of energy expulsion
  • Promote a higher level of fat oxidation
  • Promote muscle mass

Fragment 176-191 promotes these processes by promoting the breakdown of fat while at the same time being able to block the configuration of different lipids and fatty acids throughout the body.  The peptide’s twofold process have been shown to improve the animal test subject’s ability to burn through adipose tissue in a manner that is safe to the rest of the body.

Because of Fragment 176-191’s operational mechanics and their relation to the breaking down of adipose tissue and the slowing down of lipogenesis, scientific research is primarily targeted toward its ability to promote the loss of weight in animal test subjects.  However, further clinical research has been able to demonstrate a potential effect tied to slowing down the aging process amongst animal test subjects; an effect that has been witnessed during times when the test subjects were given the peptide on a regular basis.  The studies have theorized that this slowing down of the aging process correlates to Fragment 176-191’s ability to efficiently burn through adipose tissue.

Other Theorized Benefits to Fragment 176-191

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Further studies on animal test subjects have also theorized that Fragment 176-191 could be tied to several other positive benefits.

One of these benefits may be related to the regulation of insulin.  Scientific study on animal test subjects has determined that the peptide does contain the ability to boost the level of blood glucose levels over a short interval of time.  Additionally, they were able to achieve a longer lasting boost in insulin levels found in the plasma of animal test subjects.  Because Fragment 176-191 is in essence a chain of amino acids, scientists have been able to point to these findings relating to insulin as a means to demonstrate how various amino acids can work in unison with each other in order to better manage the way insulin travels within the test subjects’ body and how it can be used in various body parts.  Scientific study also points to the fact that Fragment 176-191 does not hinder the glucose level in any way during its process; something that has a tendency to happen with other peptide chains that would otherwise behave in a similar fashion.  What’s more, these studies also demonstrate the peptide’s inherent bioactivity (that is, its interaction with or effect on any cell tissue) can remain fully functional with a minimum of the proper informational sequence.

Another one of these theorized benefits relates to Fragment 176-191’s accelerated expulsion of energy.  The peptide’s ability to accelerate the burning of adipose tissue also gives it the ability to boost the levels of energy that can get converted on a cellular level.  This boost of energy is theorized to provide an accelerated rate to several processes within animal test subjects, including an increase in muscle mass.

A third theorized benefit relating to the peptide correlates with the concept of mental health.  Scientific study on animal test subjects have determined that Fragment 176-191’s processes can allow it to potentially stop the kind of basal lesions that are present within the start of Parkinson’s disease.  Furthermore, the peptide’s inherent capabilities may serve to counteract the toxicity of the kind of protein malfunctions that are present at the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.  This theory has been boosted due to studies that show that brains that are suffering from Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s display a down-regulated amount of the peptide attached to their neuroendocrine system.

For Scientific Research Only
Even though there has been a host of research and study conducted relating to Fragment 176-191 and its overall functionality, operational mechanics, and theorized benefits, it should be noted that all of the research that has been conducted and the subsequent results from such research has been built around the scientific study based on animal test subjects.  The peptide is only intended for the use of scientific study at this point in time.  Therefore, any findings or observations relating to Fragment 176-191’s overall functionality, mechanics, or theoretical benefits, should only be contained to the strict confines of a controlled environment such as a medical research facility or a laboratory.

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The tetrapeptide Epithalon is made up of four amino acids and contains a molecular weight of 390.3459.  It has a molecular formula of C14H22N4O9.  It can also be known by the following names:

  • Epithalone
  • Epitalon
  • LS-72251
  • CID2192042

Epithalon Basics

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According to scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects, Epithalon is derived from the pineal gland.  This endocrine gland, also known as the pineal body, conarium, or epiphysis cerebri, is typically associated with regulating several processes relating to growth and development.  The peptide has been shown to exhibit a relationship on a cellular level with telomeres; areas of repeating DNA sequences that consist of our nucleic acid bases which are located at the end of chromatids.  These areas essentially function to prevent gene degradation near the end of chromosomes.

Specifically, Epithalon has been shown to work in conjunction with telomerase; an enzyme that is responsible for determining the length of telomeres in DNA strands while essentially creating the relevant genetic information.  Over time, during the process of cellular division, the levels of telomerase become depleted.  This degradation causes the telomeres themselves to become shorter and weaker as cellular division continues.  Eventually, the telomeres become short and weak to the point where they can no longer bind the DNA strands properly.  When this occurs, the DNA strands become loose and their genetic information becomes compromised.  This act of genetic compromise causes animal test subjects’ bodies to misread the data, which inadvertently signals the aging process to commence.

However, Epithalon’s mechanics allow it to have replenishment properties regarding telomerase, meaning that it can allow for the production of the enzyme to hold steady for a longer period of time.  This boost in telomerase production enables telomeres to stay longer and stronger for an extended period of time; a process that also causes the aging process to be slowed down.

More than Just Anti-Aging

The majority of scientific study that has been conducted on animal test subjects as it relates to Epithalon is built around its role in the prevention of the aging process.  Indeed, its ability to strengthen telomeres and therefore keep the genetic sequence that is bound by it intact plays a vital role in scientific theories regarding the slowing down of an animal test subject’s biological age.  However, there is also a pair of secondary studies being conducted and theoretical benefits being determined which are tied to the peptide’s overall functionality.

The first of these studies relates to the prevention or delay in certain diseases and ailments as they relate to the aging process.  Conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and dementia are all thought to be brought about in part due to the aging process of animal test subjects.  Because of this, it is believed that Epithalon’s effect on keeping the DNA sequence bound by telomeres for a longer period of time could prevent the onset of some of these diseases from happening.  The studies built around Epithalon’s functionality could also theoretically aid in helping scientific study on animal test subject to discover signs and sequences that may be present at the onset of these diseases as a means to potentially combat the afflictions at an even earlier level.

The second one of these studies relates to the peptide’s role in the improvement of several regulatory processes found within an animal test subject’s body.  As the telomeres break down and the genetic sequence gets compromised, it has been determined that some of the regulatory functions show a tendency to break down over a specific period of time.  Some of these functions include breaking down adipose tissue (that is, body fat), maintaining a consistent sense of flexibility, retaining a normal level of energy, and being able to fend off rudimentary illnesses in a consistent manner.  However, Epithalon’s ability to boost the length and strength of telomeres has led to the theory that its presence can work to elevate the level at which these regulatory processes can be carried out.  Ultimately, the peptide would theoretically enable the animal test subject to enjoy a significantly more efficient level of homeostatsis.

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