What is AICAR?

AICAR is a peptide whose technical name is 5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide.  It can also be known as AICA ribonucleotide, ZMP, or Acadesine.  It is an intermediate contained in the generation of inosine monophosphate.  It primarily functions as an AMP-activated protein kinase agonist, meaning that it has the ability to promote the operation of nutrient stores for energy production.  It has a molecular mass of 338.211, and it has a molecular formula of C9H15N4O8P.

AICAR Basics

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In a nutshell, AICAR functions by promoting the utilization of nutrient stores so that energy may be produced.  What this means is, scientific study based on animal test subjects has been able to determine that the peptide contains the ability to control and regulate various metabolic processes.  These processes include cellular glucose uptake, β – oxidation of fatty acids, and biogenesis of mitochondria and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4).  The end result of all these processes means that AICAR’s functional mechanics enable a boost of energy in addition to control over several key bodily processes.

How AICAR Functions

Scientific study based on animal test subjects has determined that AICAR can play a hand in boosting these processes because it contains the ability to penetrate cardiac cells and block the production of enzymes tied to regulating glucose intake and energy expulsion.  With these regulatory enzymes inhibited, the affected cells can in turn boost the amount of glucose that can be received, and it can also increase its level of energy conversion.  Additionally, the peptide’s presence has been determined to aid in lowering programmed cell death, a process that is also known as apoptosis.

Ultimately, all of these elevated processes combine to provide an animal test subject an easier time in which it can achieve a level of homeostasis.

Two Important Elevated Processes

Because of the way in which AICAR has been shown to function, scientific study based on animal test subjects has determined that the peptide can be responsible for the following elevated processes:

  • Increased endurance – Because AICAR has been shown to possess the ability to boost energy conversion and make the entire process happen more efficiently, scientific study based on animal test subjects allows for an animal test subject to experience a boosted level of activity for a much longer stretch of time.
  • Elevated rate of fat burning – Because AICAR causes an animal test subject’s cells to convert energy on a significantly elevated basis, scientific study has derived that the subjects’ bodies have a tendency to break down fat cells quicker as a means to balance out this efficiency increase.  That being said, these scientific studies have determined that this process is only effective in the event that animal test subject maintains a consistent diet and does not increase its intake of food.

AICAR and Insulin Resistance

According to scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects, it has been determined that AICAR possesses a positive link in combating insulin resistance.  This condition is physiological in nature, and is built on a cellular unit’s inability to respond to normal reactions brought about by secretions of insulin.  Studies have shown that the peptide has an ability to enhance a proper cellular response to insulin secretions.  The action of lowering insulin resistance within an animal test subject can be directly linked to AICAR’s faculty to promote the uptake of glucose; a process that is also vital for the overall growth and repair of muscular and skeletal tissue.

AICAR and Cardiac Arrest

Scientific study based on animal test subjects has also determined that AICAR can play a key role in the prevention and treatment of cardiac arrest.  Because the presence of the peptide has been shown to promote a more efficient means of carrying glucose to cells, it is believed that this action can serve to counteract a deficiency in glucose carriage during an episode of cardiac arrest; a condition that is in part caused by a lack of fuel needed to convert the energy needed to provide homeostasis.  Furthermore, it has been deduced that these same abilities may allow the peptide to act as a stabilizing agent in the wake of cardiac arrest episode.  Ultimately, AICAR is thought to be able to reduce the risk of cardiac arrest from occurring, or at the very least, minimizing the resultant damage if it does occur.

Any research and the subsequent results of such research have solely been built on scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects.  Because of this, it needs to emphasized that any observations in relation to AICAR should be contained to a controlled environment like a medical research facility or a laboratory only.

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What is Peg MGF?

Peg MGF is a systematic, water-soluble peptide whose name is short for PEGylated Mechano Growth Factor.  Its molecular weight is 2867.2, and its molecular formula is C121H200N42O39. 

PEG MGF Overview

According to scientific study that has been conducted on animal test subjects, PEG MGF is a peptide that is made up of two components.  The first component, PEG, is Polyethylene glycol.  The second component, MGF, is Mechano growth factor.  In order to best understand the overall functionality and operational mechanics of PEG MGF, it is important to look at each component separately.

A Look at PEG

In essence, PEG is a polyether compound that is noted for its capacity to induce a particular process that is known as PEGylation.  This process is essentially defined by a covalent bond that can form between a peptide and a secretion.  This bond more or less forms a protective barrier around the secretion; with the formation of the barrier, the instance of enzymatic exposure that may otherwise decimate the secretion it protects is dramatically decreased.  Ultimately, this allows for the protected item to experience a much more stabilized existence and ultimately, a much longer life.

A Look at MGF

MGF is also known as Mechano growth factor.  What that means is, it has the ability to promote growth and repair in the muscles and tissues of animal test subjects. This particular ability to induce these actions are vital to several key processes to occur within an animal test subject’s body, from protein synthesis to the retention of nitrogen.  In addition, it has also shown a faculty to boost myoblast proliferation, meaning that it can boost the production of actions that relate to growth and repair.  The downside to this secretion is that it has a rapid half-life; one that only lasts for a few minutes.

When the Two are Combined

Peg Mgf
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Scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that PEG MGF’s primary means of operation can be fully traced to the way in which these two separate components work with each other.  Essentially PEG is able to form a covalent bond around MGF; this barrier allows the secretion to enjoy a substantially longer half-life, as it can pass throughout the bloodstream without experiencing the level of breakdown as it may otherwise would.  As a result, the process enables a greater measure of stability to occur; ultimately, this stability leads to a boost in the secretion’s overall functionality.  Overall, scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that the elevated process leads to an elevated level of muscle and tissue growth and repair; this ultimately leads to a substantially more efficient means of an animal test subject being able to achieve homeostasis.

Positive Results

Scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has been able to develop a few perceived benefits regarding the presence and functionality of PEG MGF.  Some of these elevated processes include:

  • An increase in skeletal muscle regenerationBecause of the way in which PEG MGF can extend the half-life of the secretions as they relate to mechano growth factor, scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that the  nature of such secretions could translate into a more improved process in relation to the efficiency of muscle and tissue repair.
  • An elevated means of injury recovery Scientific study based on animal test subjects has determined that PEG MGF’s ability to extend the half-life of mechano growth factor can allow for a longer window of time in which the secretions processes as the tie into muscle fiber and skeletal tissue repair can be produced.  By this rationale, it is thought that the peptide could allow for an animal test subject to experience a much more rapid rate of recovery from an ailment.
  • A boost in bone density Scientific study on animal test subjects has also determined that PEG MGF has the capacity to boost the amount of bone mineral that can be produced.  Therefore, it is thought that the presence of the peptide could allow for an animal test subject to experience a more efficient means of bone growth.

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AICA Ribonucleotide (AICAR)

AICA Ribonucleotide (AICAR) is a peptide that contains the ability to boost the functionality of the nutrients stores of the cell; the part of the cell that is responsible for energy production.   It can go under a host of different names, including:

  • ZMP
  • Acadesine
  • 5-aminoimodozloe-4carboxamide ribonucleotide

How AICA Ribonucelotide Functions

In essence, AICA Ribonucleotide enables an increased amount of blood flow throughout the body, according to scientific research that has been conducted on animal test subjects.  This increase of blood flow enables for an elevated instance of oxygen receipt and glucose intake on a cellular level, which then produces a more efficient level of energy and a greater instance of regulated metabolic homeostasis.

From a scientific standpoint, the peptide accomplishes this by entering cardiac cells and stopping the production of adenosine kinase (ADK), an enzyme that serves as a catalyst for the transfer of the gamma-phosphate from ATP to adenosine, which acts as a regulator of aggregations of both extracellular and intracellular adenine nucleotides.  AICA Ribonucleotide is also responsible for preventing the production of adenosine deaminase (ADA), an enzyme that breaks down adenosine which is then responsible for the turnover in nucleic acids in tissues.  The prevention of the two enzymes enables more processes relating to an increase of blood flow and glucose intake to occur, while at the same time staving off the process of programmed cellular death.  Ultimately, this leads to a more efficient and longer-lasting instance of energy conversion.

Benefits of AICA Ribonucleotide

According to laboratory research conducted on animal test subjects, it has been determined that there are a host of benefits that have been tied to AICA Ribonucleotide.

The primary benefit that has been derived pertains to the peptide’s association with cardiac ischemic injury.  This particular ailment is caused because of a restriction of blood supply to tissues, which can then cause insufficient amounts of oxygen and glucose to be received on a cellular level.  This disrupts proper cellular metabolism, which in turn can significantly hinder an animal test subject’s bodily tissue to remain alive.  In a cardiac ischemic episode, this could cause several serious issues, up to and including cardiac arrest.

It is theorized that AICA Ribonculeotide’s ability to increase blood flow and gluclose intake can provide a sense of stability in the event of a cardiac ischemic episode.  According to scientific research conducted on animal test subjects, the peptide’s inherent functionality can reduce the risk of heart failure as well as provide a crucial aid in the aftermath of a heart attack.

There are other benefits that have been attached to the peptide as well.  For instance, the elevated level in blood flow and glucose intake enables the cells of animal test subjects to convert energy on a much more efficient level, thus providing a longer sense of endurance.  This increase in efficiency also translates to an increased ability to break down adipose tissue, which in turn translates to an increased capability to burning fat in animal test subjects, provided that they were kept on a consistent dietary regiment.

Side Effects and Other Concerns

Scientific research on animal test subjects has also determined a few negative side effects in relation to AICA Ribonucleotide.  Most of these issues relate to various heart ailments, up to and including cardiac arrest.  These negative side effects are primarily tied to the circulatory system of animal test subjects.  Because of the higher rate of blood flow efficiency that the peptide creates, the circulatory system would also need to work at an increased efficiency.  If this system exhibits signs of struggle when it comes to pumping blood, such as weakness or impediment due to clogging, the stress that the peptide could inadvertently create on the system could potentially cause problems.

Other scientific research on animal test subjects has led to concerns over AICA Ribonucleotide and a potential link to Huntington’s Disease.  The theory here is that the peptide’s increase in process efficiency may inadvertently promote the kind of neurodegeneration that is tied to the serious and eventually fatal condition, which is caused in part due to metabolic imbalances on a cellular level.  However, it has yet to be determined if the peptide’s functionality protects neurons from the imbalances that it causes.

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