IGF-1 DES 1,3

IGF-1 DES 1,3 is a polypeptide consisting of 67 amino acids.  It can go by the names Somatomedin C, IGF1, IGF-1, IGF1A, or Insulin-like growth factor-1.  Its molecular weight is 7371.4.

IGF-1 DES 1, 3 and Cell Proliferation

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According to scientific study that has been built around animal test subjects, it has been determined that the chief mechanical operation behind IGF-1 DES 1, 3 lies in its capacity to create hyperplasia, a process that can occasionally be referred to as hypergenesis.  In essence, hyperplasia describes a process in which the proliferation and increase of cells is regulated and controlled.

There are a host of triggers that initiates this vital process.  One of the triggers is an increased need for cells to stabilize an area where cellular proliferation is needed.  A chief example of this would be the creation of a base layer of epidermis as a means to compensate for skin loss.

A second trigger relates to the need to proliferate cells as a means to assist in fighting off inflammation; a condition that can be brought about by several different means including frostbite, blunt physical injury, infections by pathogens, and immune reactions due to hypersensitivity.

Another trigger that may cause hyperplasia to occur would be a hormonal dysfunction.  Specifically, it would be created when cells are needed in order to combat various ailments that may cause a malfunction in the endocrine system of an animal test subject.

Additionally, a host of other forms of bodily compensation could be the root cause for the creation of hyperplasia.  These forms are typically marked by cellular loss that was brought upon due to damage or disease throughout the body.

Because of IGF-1 DES 1, 3’s ability to create hyperplasia, scientific study based on animal test subjects have honed their study to pinpoint the peptide’s capacity to control cellular growth and regulate the development of tissue.  This focus of study also extends beyond the realm of the effects of skeletal and muscular growth in animal test subjects and into the study of IGF-1 DES 1, 3’s relationship with neurological growth.  These latter studies have indicated that the peptide’s presence influences neuronal structure and functionality throughout an animal test subject’s lifespan.  Additionally, these studies have determined that the peptide possesses an ability to maintain nerve cell function as well as an ability to promote nerve growth.

What This Relationship Means

Because of IGF-1 DES 1, 3’s ability to create hyperplasia, scientific study on animal test subjects has determined that the presence of the peptide could be responsible for several theoretical benefits.

The primary benefit that has been theorized relates to an accelerated rate of muscle repair.  Due to the mechanics of IGF-1 DES 1, 3 and its capacity to create hyperplasia within animal test subjects, it is thought that the peptide could enable muscle tissue to repair at an elevated rate.  This in turn can lead to an overall boost in muscle growth.

Another theoretical benefit is tied to an accelerated rate of recovery.  Because IGF-1 DES 1, 3 can allow for the proliferation of cells to be produced at a part of the body that such proliferation is needed, it is thought that its inherent process could provide an injury that occurs on a muscular or skeletal level a more efficient rate of healing.

A third benefit that has been theorized relates to the peptide’s ability to possibly slow down the aging process.  This theory is derived from a study based upon lab rats in which it was determined that IGF-1 DES 1, 3’s promotion of cell proliferation and production inhibited the process of natural degradation on the muscle fibers responsible for regulating flexibility and elasticity in the skin and the muscles.  This in turn enabled middle-aged and older rats to maintain a level of speed and power typically found in younger rats.

A Few Negative Side Effects

Scientific study on animal test subjects has also determined that IGF-1 DES 1, 3 has been linked to a few theoretical negative side effects.  Some of these effects include:

  • Development of hypoglycemia; that is, low blood sugar
  • Swelling of the extremities
  • Drop in blood pressure
  • Heart irregularities ranging from arrhythmia to cardiac arrest

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The secretogogue Hexarelin is a hextipeptide, meaning that it is a peptide whose structure is comprised of six amino acids.  This gives it a structural integrity that is similar to the peptide GHRP-6.  Its molecular structure is C50H69N15O9, and it contains a molecular weight of 1024.2.  It sometimes is referred to as Hex, and has a half-life of about 70 days.

Hexarelin’s Relationship with the Brain

It has yet to be determined how exactly Hexarelin operates in the manner in which it does.  However, scientific study conducted on animal research subjects has determined that the peptide does act in conjunction with two regions of the brain. The first region is the hypothalamus, the section of the brain that links the endocrine system with the central nervous system, and the second region is the pituitary gland, the section of the brain that acts as the regulator of an animal test subject’s endocrine system-related processes.  While it has been determined that an association between Hexarelin and these segments of the brain exist, the peptide’s overall effects on the brain have yet to be determined.

Hexarelin and Secretions

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Even though the functionality of Hexarelin has yet to be pinpointed, scientific study based on animal test subjects has been able to target specific processes that can be linked to the peptide’s presence.

For example, it has been determined that the peptide’s relationship with the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland plays a role in the peptide’s ability to boost the performance of several bodily processes related to the endocrine system.  Some of these processes include a more efficient rate of mitosis and meiosis, elevated levels of bone density, an accelerated rate of fat loss, a strengthening of connective tissue, and elasticity.  This has led to the theory that Hexarelin may be a vital component in terms of improving muscle strength, endurance, joint rehabilitation, and wound healing.

Additionally, it has been determined that the peptide has the ability to induce a boosted secretion level of IGF-1.  This protein, which is secreted by the liver in animal test subjects, is shown to be instrumental in the growth and repair of muscles and tissues.

One of the bigger determinations about Hexarelin concerns one action that it doesn’t do.  Unlike other peptides that have been shown to produce similar activities, Hexarelin does not induce an elevated production level of ghrelin.  This is the 28 amino acid peptide that is produced by the stomach in animal test subjects as a means to stimulate the sensation of hunger.  Because Hexarelin does not produce an elevated level of this secretion, an animal test subject can retain a level of homeostasis when it comes to the desire to consume food.

Scientific Study of Hexarelin

A great deal of scientific study based on animal test subjects has been concerning a potential link to Hexarelin and the heart’s overall functionality.  Specifically, this research has honed in on the notion that the peptide could potentially include specific properties that can result in an additional layer of heart protection.

Another avenue of scientific study regarding Hexarelin is built on its link to the central nervous system.  Because the peptide has been shown to act in conjunction with the hypothalamus, it is theorized that it could possibly contain a protective effect on the central nervous system in the wake of an injury.

Other studies concerning the peptide revolve around Hexarelin’s potential link to the process of apoptosis, otherwise known as programmed cellular death.  It has been theorized that the peptide’s presence can be linked to the overall functionality of Caspace 3 and Akt.  These two peptides have been shown to play a vital role in the regulation and control of the apoptosis process.

Negative Side Effects

According to scientific study based on animal test subjects, it has been determined that Hexarelin is linked to a few negative side effects, most of which have some sort of link to various secretions relating to the endocrine system.  Some of these negative side effects include:

  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Elevated bone pain
  • Increased muscle pain
  • Elevated level of water retention

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GnRH (Triptorelin)

GnRH (Triptorelin) is a decapeptide that is classified as a gonaodtrophin-releasing hormone agonist.  Its alternate names are Gonapeptyl, Decapeptyl, Variopeptyl, and Diphereline.  It has a molecular formula of C64H82N18O13, and its molecular weight is 1311.5.

GnRH (Triptorelin) Basics

According to scientific studies conducted on animal test subjects, it has been determined that GnRH (Triptorelin)’s functionality enables it two perform three tasks:

  • Constant stimulation of the pituitary gland – The peptide has been shown an ability to perpetuate the expression of secretions derived from the pituitary gland; the pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain that is responsible for the control and regulation of various endocrine system-related functions, including growth regulation, metabolism, sex organ function, pain relief, and more.
  • Lessening the secretion of luteinizing hormone – GnRH (Triptorelin)’s presence causes a drop in the production of this secretion, which is tied to the regulation and control of testosterone in male animal test subjects and estrogen in female animal test subjects.  The secretion has also been shown to have an important role in the regulation of the reproductive process.
  • Lessening the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone – GnRH (Triptorelin)’s presence causes a drop in the production of this secretion; an expression that is responsible for the regulation and control of the development, growth, and pubertal maturation of animal test subjects.  Like luteinizing hormone, this hormone has been shown to have a key role in the regulation of the reproductive process.

GnRH (Triptorelin) and Secretion Associative Conditions

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Because of GnRH (Triptorelin)’s abilities and how they relate to the functionality of the endocrine system and select secretions, scientific studies on animal test subjects have determined that the peptide could theoretically play a key role in combating several issues as they relate to possible malfunctions of the endocrine system.

The primary theoretical benefit that has been linked to the peptide’s presence is its theorized ability to help aid in the treatment of hormone-responsive cancers.  Certain forms of cancers, most notably breast cancer and prostate cancer, has been shown to contain a partial link to the secretion of luteinizing hormones and its association with regulating levels of estrogen and testosterone.  Because GnRH (Triptorelin) has the capacity to lower the production level of luteinizing hormones, it has been thought that the presence of the peptide can be instrumental in preventing or slowing the effects of the cancers that have been linked to the hormone’s secretion.

Another theoretical benefit associated with GnRH (Triptorelin) is its potential ability to treat certain estrogen-dependent conditions in female animal test subjects.  Again, this theory ties to the peptide’s ability to inhibit the production of luteinizing hormone and therefore can slow down the production of estrogen in female animal test subjects.  This has led to the theory that the peptide can aid in combating certain conditions such as endometriosis or uterine fibroid.

Another benefit that has been theorized in relation to the peptide is its potential ability to slow the process of precocious puberty; that is, the onset of puberty that occurs at an unusually early age.  The reason behind this particular theory lies with the peptide’s ability to lessen the release of follicle-stimulating hormone and therefore regulate the release of its secretions relating to growth and pubertal maturation on a more efficient basis.

Potential Side Effects of GnRH (Triptorelin)

According to scientific study that has been conducted on animal test subjects, it has been determined that GnRH (Triptorelin) can be linked to several negative side effects of varying severity.

Some of the more common side effects that have been theoretically linked to GnRH (Triptorelin) include fever, joint pain, general discomfort, diarrhea, muscle pain, insomnia, and shivering.  These negative side effects tend to affect the bodies of animal test subjects in a mild manner.

Some of the less common side effects that have been tied to GnRH (Triptorelin) include bladder pain, bloody or cloudy urine, blurry vision, a decrease in urination frequency or urination volume, difficulty breathing, or swelling or bloating in the face or extremities.

Additional scientific study on animal test subjects have also led to the theory that the presence of GnRH (Triptorelin) could potentially result in more serious negative side effects, including issues that are related to high blood pressure or heart disease.

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