BPC 157

BPC 157 is a peptide that is classified as a pentadecapeptide.  It has a molecular formula of C62H98N16O22 and has a molecular weight of 1419.53552.  Its appearance is that of a white powder, and it can go by the alternate names of Booly Protection Compound 15, BPC 15, or BPC-157.  It is also comprised of 15 amino acids.

Functionality of BPC 157

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According to scientific study that has been conducted on animal test subjects, BPC 157 functions as a partial sequence of body protection compound (BPC) that can be found and isolated within gastric juices.  Its primary operative is to be a regulating factor in the proper functionality of the digestive tract through its anti-ulcer peptidergic properties.  It performs this type of regulatory function by protecting the thin layer of cells that line the interior surface of blood vessels.  It also sets this sense of regulation by being a key component in the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing blood cells.  This process, which is known as angiogenesis, then enables the peptide to also play a vital role in the formation of the connective tissue and tiny blood vessels that are created on the surfaces of a wound during its process of healing.  These regulatory properties also enable the peptide to exhibit a significant level of anti-inflammatory capabilities.

BPC 157 and Gastro-Intestinal Issues

According to scientific study conducted on animal test subjects, the anti-ulcer peptidergic and anti-inflammatory properties that is exhibited by BPC 157 have led to the theory that the peptide can be a key component in the treatment of various gastro-intestinal related issues.

Scientific study that has been conducted on lab rats has shown that BPC 157 has the capability to lower the effects of inflammatory bowel disease; a collective of complex vascular tissue responses that are connected to the colon and small intestine.  These conditions include:

  • Crohn’s disease – Also known as regional enteritis, this chronic inflammatory disorder can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus.  It can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, dramatic loss of weight, and in some cases, anemia and arthritis.
  • Ulcerative colitis – This intermittent condition features inflammation of the colon as well as characteristic ulcers or open sores.  Its primary symptom is constant diarrhea mixed with blood of gradual onset.
  • Collagenous colitis – This mild, intermittent condition is marked with characteristic inflammatory cells in the colon and frequent, watery diarrhea.

Additionally, scientific research conducted on animal test subjects has determined that the peptide’s anti-inflammatory properties can theoretically lessen the effects of esophagitis; a condition that is marked by the inflammation of the esophagus and, as a result of the affliction, an increased difficulty in swallowing.

BPC 157 and Dental Issues

The anti-inflammatory properties of BPC 157 have led to the theory that the peptide can be an effective ally in the battle against periodontal disease.  Specifically, scientific study conducted on animal test subjects have determined that the peptide can effectively combat periodontitis; a collection of inflammatory diseases that affect the tissues and support around the teeth.  Studies on laboratory rats have demonstrated the peptide’s ability to lower plasma extravasation in gingivomucosal tissue, otherwise known as the fluid leakage that may occur around the teeth when a specific region or quadrant becomes inflamed.  In addition, BPC 157 has been able to demonstrate the ability to lower alveolar bone desorption; a process in which minerals such as calcium are released from bone fluid and enters into the bloodstream.  Additionally, further scientific study on animal test subjects have shown that the peptide does not disrupt normal blood circulation in healthy gingival, or gums.

BPC 157 and Wound Healing

Scientific research on animal test subjects has also concluded that the peptide’s anti-inflammatory properties theoretically allow it to be an effective ally in the healing of wounds.  Scientific study on rat Achillies tendons that were cut transversely (that is, transected), have demonstrated that the introduction of the peptide significantly boosted the outgrowth tendon explants.  Additionally, the study also led to the determination that the peptide allows for a significantly instance of cellular survival in the wake of a wound-based trauma.

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What is MGF (Mechano Growth Factor)?

MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) is a liver-secreted peptide that can sometimes be referred to as IGF-1Ec or IGF-1Eb.  It has a molecular formula is C121H200N42O39, and it has a molecular weight of 2888.16.

MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) and the Functionality of Cellular Units

According to scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects, it has been determined that MGF (Mechano Growth Factor)’s overall operational mechanics enable it to do the following trio of processes:

  • Provide an inhibition of terminal differentiation – It has been shown that MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) slows down the last stage of the cellular differentiation process, which is the part of the cellular life cycle in which the cell loses its sense of overall functionality.  Because of this inhibition process, the peptide can enable the cellular unit to experience a longer interval of performance.
  • Provide an enhanced level of myoblast proliferation – It has been determined that the peptide can increase the instance of the creation and building of muscular and skeletal tissue.  This particular trait can be directly linked to its ability to provide a boost in the secretions that have been shown to play an instrumental part in muscle and tissue growth and repair.

Further scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that the expression of MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) occurs in a non-uniform manner, as it is expressed in different tissues or in response to various differing stimuli.  It has also been shown to display preferences in regards to the signal transduction pathways that they activate.

What this Functionality Means

Because of the way in which MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) has been shown to operate, scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has been able to link a host of theorized benefits to the peptide.  Several of these particular benefits can be directly associated with the way in which MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) is able to extend the half-life of secretions as they relate to muscle and tissue cells as well as its ability to block terminal differentiation.

MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) – 2mg
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It  has been thought that MGF (Mechano Growth Factor)’s ability to provide a more efficient means of skeletal tissue growth and repair can translate to an elevated process for bone minerals to be produced internally.  This conceptualized boosted process would enable the bones within an animal test subject to become denser on a quicker basis.  This boost in density would then translate to bones that are sturdier and less vulnerable to breaks and fractures.

Another benefit that has been hypothetically associated with MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) is in relation to the treatment of an ischemic injury.  Because of the way in which it can choose the signal transduction pathways that it can activate, studies have been able to hypothesize that this ability could enable it to aid in providing an extra measure of stabilization within an animal test subject’s body in the aftermath of an ischemic episode.  These particular types of episodes include stroke, cardiac arrest due to a heart attack, angina pectoris, or a lack of oxygen delivered to an effected area in the wake of a traumatic injury.

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What is IGF-1 LR3?

The polypeptide IGF-1 LR3, also known as Long r3 igf-1, has a molecular structure of C990H1528N262O300S7 and a molecular weight of 9200.  It is made up of a chain of 83 amino acids, and sometimes gets mixed up with the peptide chain Long r2 ifg-1 because it has a similar molecular build and similar structural properties.

IGF-1 LR3 and the Liver

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Scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that IGF-1 LR3’s functionality can be partially traced to the relationship that it has with the liver.  This vital organ is primarily responsible for regulating an animal test subject’s detoxification, digestion, and protein synthesis processes.  Specifically, the association with the organ can be tied to the expression of a specific secretion known as IGF-1, also known as Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 or Somatomedin C.  The downside of this secretion is its rapid half-life, which only lasts for around 20 minutes.  However, it has been determined that the presence of IGF-1 LR3 can significantly boost this half-life to an interval of time that lasts around 20 hours.

IGF-1 LR3 and the Pancreas

Further scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has also determined that IGF-1 LR3’s sense of operational mechanics can also be partially tied to the pancreas.  This is the glandular organ and key member of the endocrine system that has been shown to play a key role in the production of hormones as they relate to an animal test subject’s overarching functional processes.  Specifically, the peptide’s relationship with the pancreas is completely tied to its production of insulin; the secretion whose expression is responsible for enabling the cells in the liver, skeletal muscles, and fat tissues to absorb glucose from the bloodstream in a proper manner.  IGF-1 LR3 has been shown to help this absorption process along by acting to accelerate insulin transport throughout an animal test subject’s bloodstream.

What IGF-1 LR3’s Function Means

This process of elevated glucose transport that IGF-1 LR3 can influence through its relationship with the pancreas has a direct impact on its relationship with the liver.  Because it has been shown to lengthen the functionality of the liver-based secretion IGF-1, this boosted interval of action is fueled by the peptide’s ability to provide it with the fuel that it needs on a more efficient basis.  Ultimately, this has led scientific study based on animal test subjects to note that the peptide has the faculty to produce an increased synthesis of proteins and RNA as well as a decrease in protein degradation.

Because of these elevated processes, scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects has determined that IGF-1 LR3 can be linked to a trio of hypothetical benefits.  These benefits are:

  • An increased measure of endurance – Scientific study that has been conducted on animal test subjects have determined that IGF-1 LR3’s properties regarding the promotion of protein synthesis and its ability to block protein degradation enables an animal test subject to experience a more consistent measure of physical activity at an increased interval of time before the negative effects of fatigue begin to kick in.
  • An increase in muscle retention – Because IGF-1 LR3 has been shown to extend the half-life of the secretion IGF-1, it can inevitably influence a longer period of the secretions that regulate muscular repair and growth to occur.  Therefore, studies have determined that the results of this extended half-life can cause an increased capacity for an animal test subject to maintain its muscular shape and tone.
  • A more efficient means of injury recovery – IGF-1 LR3’s ability to extend the half-life of IGF-1 has enabled scientific study based on animal test subjects to determine it ultimately promotes an elevated rate of repair amongst muscles, tissues, and skeletal structures.  As such, it has been thought that it could play a vital role in enabling an animal test subject to heal from a muscle or bone-related injury faster.

While plenty of research has been conducted regarding the overall functionality and mechanics of IGF-1 LR3, the peptide is still solely intended for the use of scientific study.  Specifically, any research and the subsequent results of such research have solely been built on scientific study that has been based on animal test subjects.  Thus, it needs to be emphasized that any observations in relation to IGF-1 LR3’s overall functionality or mechanics should be contained to a controlled environment like a medical research facility or a laboratory only.

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